Monday, January 28, 2008

The Thai Palace and Wat Po


here is my crew minus 2.
the college and high school students both.
this is about as touristy as we get. we have to wear socks and skirts or long pants to enter the palace grounds. i don't know about you, but i feel goofy.

on this day we were present in the palace the day that Thais were mourning the loss of the King's sister. Hundreds lined up all in black to pay their respects.

the girls.
...and an amazing artist inspired by the murals painted around the entire inner palace walls, which depict the entire story of the Ramayana.

the hall of Buddhas.

the palace and temple are saturated in detail like this.

i am growing this succulent at home.
this photo is basically showing off my new fancy camera and of course the incredible beauty of plants.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey jess, thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us. your experience with the hot sounds like bikram yoga....take care. Randi