I fell head over heals in love... with a flower. A tiny deliciously sweet smelling orchid that is native to these parts. We first met in the Enchanted Forest and her name is Fairyslipper: Calypso Bulbosa. I swooned for her again today alongside the Umpqua River, near the hot springs. I couldn't resist a photo shoot. You see, she is a special lady, delicate and only to be appreciated in her own environment where she grows. She is so little and so delightful that is is quite easy to trample her or want to take her from home. Her root system is delicate and a slight tug can break her, making it difficult to transplant her as well. She is endangered. So pay attention when you are in the woods, if you do see her, get down on your belly look at her sweetly, smell her perfume, and pretend to be a fairy.
Here is some lore as described by "plants of the pacific northwest coast":
"Calypso, the goddess daughter of Atlas was Homer's beautiful nymph hidden in the woods and found by Ulysses when he was wrecked on the island of Ogygia. Calypso means 'concealment.'
Cytherea, is another name for fairyslipper and for Aphrodite: the goddess of love, beauty, and marriage. "
Here she is...

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